The AACDP is the opposite of a large super-charity. I would say we are a small scale, hands on, no overhead, all-volunteer non profit that aims to support local charities already in place.
In 2002 I began to send money from our contributions and craft sales to the Mama Bakhita Cheshire Home for children with disabilities in Livingstone, Zambia.
Over the years I have tried to help local students without means find tuition and believe that education is the most effective way to increase a person’s chances of getting employment.
In 2010 we began the Zambezi Doll Company to provide steady income for the children at the Mama Bakhita whose mothers struggle to care for their families. on it all.
I try to keep tabs on it all. If a student is having difficulty, I find out why. If the doll makers need more supplies, or if someone’s child is perilously ill, I am told about it and respond.
On this small scale, my intention is to provide opportunities for economic development that fit the culture and people, most of whom I have met through the craft business.
We are all just humans struggling to survive on this planet. Your contribution on one side of the globe can make a difference on the other. Africans do so much with so little.
Please help us, if you can.
Many thanks.
